Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Boomer in Class

Toady, while walking to class Boomer wanted a picture in the market that happens every morning in the Sant Augostino Piaza.

The market has fresh fruit, clothes, kitchen supplies, and many other things! Click here to see a map of Arezzo and where Sant Augostino Piaza is! http://www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions-/arezzo-i-to-ar.htm

After getting the picture with the market, Boomer and I went to class at 8:30am. Did you know that is 1:30am in the United States? In Italy, we are 7 hours ahead of the United States. Click here to learn more about time change around the world. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

Once we got to class, Dr. Cullen and Patsy taught us about the common core in schools.
The common core is implemented by the states to create standard learning goals for all students to help prepare them for college, career, and life. States have to adopt the standards in order for them to be followed by all schools in the state. Most states have adopted them, but some still have not. Click on this link to see if your state has adopted the common core standards! http://www.corestandards.org/standards-in-your-state/

After Dr. Cullen's class, Boomer an I took a coffee break at 10:50am. Can you figure out what time the is in the United States? Also, check out my last blog to learn more about how coffee is made.

After our coffee break, Boomer and I got to listen to Dr. Gardner speak about students with exceptionalities.

About 8.8%  of students in the schools have a disability that is treated by Special education. Learning disabilities are the most common which include anything that affects ones ability to speak, listen, think, read, write, spell, or commute. As future teachers, our class is very excited to learn about how we can help and accommodate these students in our classrooms. Click here to learn more about Learning Disabilities. http://www.ncld.org/types-learning-disabilities/what-is-ld/learning-disability-fast-facts

Class ended by 1:30 (What time is that in the US?) and we were all off to grab some lunch, do some homework, or go take a nap. The trip is going by so fast and Boomer and I do not want it to end! Keep checking the blog to see what we do in our last two weeks in Italy. Boomer!

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