Saturday, May 31, 2014

Boomer sees a potpourri of interesting things!

Today Boomer and I just walked around town. We went to the park to sit in the grass! It is good to sit and relax. So then Boomer noticed some big black ants. So we started using blades of grass to poke them here and there. Did you know that ants use their antennas to touch and smell their environment? As we noticed more and more ants, we soon realized that there were ant piles everywhere! There homes were everywhere. Do you know where else ants live? We noticed some ants carrying huge blades of grass. This is quite impressive! They are carrying things that are near 10 times their own size.
Learn more about black ants here!

Boomer and I left the park and we came noticed another interesting thing. Shields! Shields here. Shields there! Shields everywhere. They are actually called family crests or coats of arms. It was an art symbol that was used to identify the wearer. Coats of arms were primarily used by the military, originally knights during the medieval times. Then as time progressed, coats of arms were used by churchs, wealthy families, educational institutions and much more. To learn more about family crests or coats of arms go to this excellent website!

We went back to the park and noticed this amazing marble statue! How did Boomer and I miss this? But we got very excited about this statue because we recognized something! If you look at the top of the image you will notice a wolf. The mother wolf with the two children under her is the famous depiction of Romulus and Remus! Would like to hear about the legend of Romulus and Remus? Ok so Romulus and Remus were twin brothers who were abandoned by their parents at birth. Their parents put them into a basket and floated the basket down the Tiber River. A wolf came across them and nursed them until Romulus and Remus were founded by a shepherd. Once they were adults they decided to go back to the Tiber River and build a city where they were saved. Romulus and Remus fought over the location and Romulus killed Remus and thus the city of Rome was named after Romulus. If you would like to read about the details of Romulus and Remus go to the website

Boomer and I are exhausted from walking all over Arezzo. We are going to take a nap then watch Mean Girls. Ciao!

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